Vi ser etter en kirurg eller gynekolog til vårt sykehus og legekontor på Isafjordur, Island. Vår institusjon består av legekontor, skadelegevakt, en liten sengepost med 15 senge, operasjonsstue og en liten fødeavdeling.
Kirgurgens jobb består av generell kirurgi, skadelegegvakt, fødselshjelp, evt. endoskopi og andre operationser tilpasset erfaring og kompetanse.
De islandske Vestfjordene som har omkring 6000 innbyggere har et enestående velferdssysm, perfekte omgivelser for alslags utendørs aktiviteter, verdens beste levevilkår og fantastiske skoler, alt fra barnehager til universitet.
Kontakter: Andri Konráðsson (lægen i videon) og Súsanna Ástvaldsdóttir (overlæge).
Nettsiden vår er ikke på norsk, men Google Translate gjør en veldig god jobb med å oversette den.
Hvor er vi?
Ísafjörður ligger i Vestfjordene. Helsedistriktet inneholder til sammen 5 kommuner.
Mer informasjon på engelsk
We are looking for a positive and energetic person to work as a surgeon at the Westfjords Health Institute. This is a full time position but part time position is an option.
At the Westfjords Health Institute are about 250 employees who provide general health services in health care, nursing and medical departments. There are health centers in Ísafjörður and Patreksfjörður and health centers in all settlements in the district.
Main tasks
- General surgery and obstetrics.
- Emergency and outpatient services.
- On call services and consults.
- Participation in improvement projects, teamwork and development in collaboration with the chief physician.
- Teaching and training of medical students.
Physicians work in accordance with laws and regulations on healthcare professionals, the code of ethics and goals of physicians and the relevant department.
Competence requirements
- Icelandic medical license and specialist recognition in surgery is a condition.
- Good general computer skills is a condition.
- Positive attitude and excellent communication skills.
- Initiative and professional ambition.
- Motivation, perseverance and a performance-oriented attitude.
More information
No closing date
Job percent: 100%
The application must be accompanied by a curriculum vitae and a cover letter outlining the qualifications and interest in the job, as well as a copy of the diplomas and work permit. Confirmed information about education, previous jobs and experience shall be provided. Interviews will be conducted with applicants and the decision on hiring for the job will be based on them, together with the submitted documents and the comments of the referees. Independence is a lot at work, but the backyard is good.
Outside of work, the quality of life in Isafjordur is high. The opportunities for outdoor activities are all around, no time is spent traveling to and from work. Various job opportunities for spouses, see for example vacancies on Ísafjarðarbær’s website. There is a good adjustment at the beginning of the job and help with acquiring housing.
All applications will be answered once a decision on employment has been made.
Søk jobb
Søk jobben på den islandske statens rekrutteringsnettsted. Du må opprette et brukernavn. Der må du fylle ut informasjon om dine kvalifikasjoner med mer. Ta kontakt med Hanna Þóra, vår personalsjef, dersom du opplever problemer under søknadsprosessen.

Uppfært 5. október 2023 (GÓ)