A hospital in Ísafjörður must always have a multifaceted role due to its geographical location and not least its significance for the residents of the locality. After all, its employees have always worked with ambition and done their utmost to solve the problems of those who have come there.


This multifaceted role becomes even clearer when given an overview of the activities that take place there throughout the year. It can then be seen that it is divided into only eight departments, all of which have a lot of contact and considerable overlap in workforce. To give an example, the same doctor may care for a patient in an outpatient department, another in an operating room, welcome a child into the world with a midwife as well as care for inpatients in the emergency department. In addition to the birth, the midwife takes care of pregnancy monitoring, which is sometimes in collaboration with the medical doctor due to the high-risk pregnancies of diabetic mothers, but in the afternoon, she might make a home visit to a woman and child who requested an early discharge after childbirth. A patient who was admitted to the emergency department with hemiplegia a little over two weeks ago after a stroke, is hopefully on a normal recovery path and is ready to take the next step and has rehabilitation that may take several months, he is nevertheless in the same hospital bed as he first got assigned and the staff is almost all the same. This last mentioned patient does not need to be transferred to a more specialized department such as Grensás or Reykjalund, as space there is both valuable and presumably already occupied. 


These are just a few examples and of course it would be far too long to list here in detail what the activities are like. It is nevertheless obvious that the operation of the hospital is like any other chain, composed of many links that connect and work together, and therein lies its strength and ability.

The numbers can be seen at THE WORK IN NUMBERS here to the side.