• During business hours, call 450 4500.
  • Helpline 112 and on-call number 1700 direct offenders outside working hours to the doctor/nurse on duty at the institution's premises who assists with the appropriate measures in each case.
  • Call 112 for emergencies.
  • Online chat 112 is always open.
    • You can have an anonymous online chat if emergency services are not requested.

The emergency room is located at the Westfjords Healthcare Institution in Ísafjörður and Patreksfjörður and is open 24 hours a day, but outside of working hours you must call ahead.

You can also get treatment for sexual violence at Landspítal's emergency room.

The role of the emergency room is to:

  • Provide post-offense care
  • Perform a forensic examination, if needed, in collaboration with doctors
  • Provide assistance in contacting the rights defender and the police
  • Refer to trauma care or mental health team
  • Inform victims of their options for moving forward

The involvement of the police is not a condition for receiving care, and a decision on a complaint does not need to be made available.

Victims are encouraged to seek help after a sexual assault, regardless of the time since the offense, the nature of the offense or the severity.

The first 24 hours after an offense is committed, is a very important time especially regarding the collection of biological samples if it is decided to prosecute the offense later.

  • The data/biological samples can then be used to support a case in court. Biospecimens are materials from people that can provide biological information about them.
  • Data from the place where the event took place and information from witnesses, if there are witnesses. 

You can also seek healthcare during daytime hours, regardless of the length of time since the offense:

  • to receive advice, support, education and assistance with processing
  • due to sampling for infectious diseases, venereal diseases, infections, pregnancy or other such
  • it is possible to get a connection to a judicial officer if requested, regardless of the length of time since the offense or the decision on the complaint.

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Updated 17 August 2023 (GÓ)

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