Medical transportation

Ambulances in the district are twofold:

  • Ísafjörður fire department handles ambulance transport in Ísafjarðarbær, Bolungarvík and Súðavíkur district, according to an agreement between Ísafjarðarbær and the Vestfjörður Health Institute. The work area extends from the middle of Óshlíð, into the bottom of Ísafjörður in Ísafjörður and then all the way west to Dynjandisheiði.
  • The Norwegian Health Institute handles ambulance transport in Vesturbyggð and Tálknafjörður district. Two paramedics are on call at all times to carry out this task.

The Icelandic Red Cross sends invoices for ambulance transport, according to price list.

Ambulance planes land on Ísafjörður and Bíludal, as well as helicopters and ships of the Coast Guard, as well as rescue teams help when the situation calls for it.

Firefighter's ambulance on Ísafjörður with Álfafjörður in the background.
Ambulance workers in the southern region in 2021.

Iceland Hearing and Speech Center

An audiologist from Iceland's Hearing and Speech Disorders Centre, Indíana Einarsdóttir, has facilities in Ísafjörður and Patreksfjörður.

Newborn measurements and measurements and other services are performed for children from the age of 4 and adults. A referral from a doctor is not required. Measurements and assistance are free of charge.

Appointments go through The hearing and speech center.


The priests of the National Church are regular visitors to the institute.

Pastoral service at the institute is threefold:

Firstly is a weekly visiting service, which consists in the fact that every Monday a priest comes and visits the inpatients. At 3:30 p.m., he is at the service in the chapel, while the staff of the hospital and Eyrar help residents and patients to get down to the basement where the chapel is located. Furthermore, patients or their relatives can request that a priest visit them for conversation and support. The priests in Ísafjörður presbytery take turns looking after the hospital, but the organization of the service is in the hands of the parish priest in Ísafjörður.

Second of all the parish priest performs emergency services. There is always a chaplain on call for the hospital and he can be called out whenever pastoral care or chaplain support is needed, for example due to death, accidents or natural disasters.

Thirdly a priest comes and says mass on Christmas day at the Eyri nursing home

There are two parishes in the area of operation of the health institution; Ísafjörður parish and Patreksfjörður parish.

From the chapel in the basement of the hospital in Ísafjörður.
From the chapel in the basement of the hospital in Patreksfjörður.


A dentist is working in the premises of the health center in Ísafjörður, Viðar Konráðsson.

Appointments by phone: 456 3737

In Bolungarvík there is a dental clinic and workshop, Vesturbros ehf, and there are two dentists, Katrín Ugla Kristjánsdóttir and Margrét Theodórsdóttir. Rebekka Líf Karlsdóttir, a dentist, also works there.

Appointments by phone: 4567077

Emergency telephone number:
Vidar Konráðsson: 893 4511

A living room is available for rent at the health center in Patreksfjörður. More information is provided by the director.

Updated 3 July 2024 (HEP)

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