Á starfsstöð Heilbrigðisstofnunar Vestfjarða á Patreksfirði er hjarta starfseminnar á suðursvæðinu. Þar er allri almennri heilbrigðisþjónustu sinnt fyrir íbúa Vesturbyggðar.
The nursing director at Patreksfjörður is Hrafnhildur Ólöf Ólafsdóttir.
Operations manager is Magnus Arnar Sveinbjörnsson
Nursing and Medical Department
Hjúkrunar- og sjúkradeild er með ellefu hjúkrunarrýmum og tveimur sjúkrarýmum. Deildarstjóri er Árný Magnúsdóttir.
health care
The health care center in Patreksfjörður provides a wide range of health care services. In addition to the services of a doctor and nurses, a midwife and other specialists from an establishment in Ísafjörður come to the healthcare facility.
Skólahjúkrun er veitt frá heilsugæslu í skólana á svæðinu. Skólahjúkrunarfræðingur er Árný Magnúsdóttir.
Meðgöngu- og mæðravernd er veitt af ljósmæðrum HVest á Ísafirði. Hjúkrunarfræðingur í ungbarnavernd er Alexandra Bubica.
Home care
Heilbrigðisstofnun Vestfjarða og Vesturbyggð hafa gengið til samninga um rekstur samþættrar heimaþjónustu í sveitarfélaginu. Samningurinn er hluti af verkefninu Good to grow old, aðgerðaáætlun stjórnvalda í málefnum eldra fólks. Heilbrigðisstofnunin er að taka að sér rekstur heimastuðnings í samstarfi við sveitarfélagið. Samningurinn gildir þar til heildarsamingur verður gerður milli Ísafjarðarbæjar, Vesturbyggðar, Súðarvíkurhrepps, Bolungarvíkurkaupsstaðar og Heilbrigðisstofnunar Vestfjarða.
Heimahjúkrun og heimastuðningur er veittur frá heilsugæslunni af nýju heimaþjónustuteymi Gott að eldast. Sótt er um heimahjúkrun í gegnum lækni á heilsugæslu og heimaþjónustu í gegnum Vesturbyggð.
Verkefnastjóri heimahjúkrunar er Sigríður María Sigurðardóttir.
Ábyrgðarmaður heimaþjónustuteymis er hjúkrunarstjóri.
The hospital in Patreksfjörður. In the part of the building on the left, which was built in the years 1944–6, there is a nursing ward, hospital room, kitchen and various support rooms. In the newer section built in 1976–82 and to the right, the nursing home residents' dining room is on the top floor. On the main floor there is health care and in the basement rehabilitation, laundry room, chapel and more.
In the back view you can see the church tower and the elementary school, and behind that Vatneyri in the back view. The photo is taken from the top of an avalanche defense that runs along the slope.
The institute has a part-time physiotherapist who takes care of the nursing and medical department and health care. The physical therapist is Margrét Brynjólfsdóttir. She works with assistant physiotherapist Bjarnveig Guðbrandsdóttir, whose main role is to take care of activity and rehabilitation at Patreksfjörður's Nursing and Health Department.
The basement has facilities for outpatient services and a self-employed physiotherapist comes from Ísafjörður one to two weekends a month. Work is underway to improve this staffing. Physiotherapists who want to work, independently or under the umbrella of the organization, can contact Hrafnhildi.
Medical transportation
Ambulances for the area are carried out by ambulance workers on back shifts based in the premises of the Red Cross in Vatneyri.
Mutual improvements
According to plan of the Ministry of Health on the development of nursing spaces from the fall of 2019, a complete renovation of the hospital is planned. Western settlement In the context of the construction, intends to build facilities for social work for senior citizens, as well as some other changes will be made to the hospital in connection with the construction. The aim is to hold an idea competition in 2022.
Uppfært 11. September 2024 (HÓÓ)