The Vestfjörður Health Institute together with five local authorities, Bolungarvíkurkaupstað, Ísafjörðarbær, Súðavíkurhrepp, Tálknafjörður and Vesturbyggð will participate in a development project that aims to integrate social and health services for elderly people in their homes. The Ministry of Social Affairs and the Labor Market and the Ministry of Health advertised this summer for such cooperation with local authorities and health institutions. There was a lot of interest and a total of 19 applications were received. A total of 22 municipalities and six health institutions across the country are participating in the project, which is divided into six regions.

The development projects are part of the action plan Good to grow old but with it, the government takes care of services for older people in a new way. The aim of the development projects is to find good solutions for the integration of social and healthcare services for older people and to carefully intertwine the elements that the state takes care of on the one hand and the local authorities on the other.