Below are the main committees and councils that work within the organization as well as our representatives in permanent committees and councils run by the state and municipalities. This is not an exhaustive list, partly because the organization's staff are also on boards and councils on their own terms.

Executive Board

The Executive Board manages the organization from day to day. More about executive management under Organization chart.

Patreksfjörður management

The management board was created during organizational changes in early 2020. The chief medical contractor is an observer when he is on duty. The head of nursing sits on the executive board, but other members of the executive board have the right to sit in on meetings when the agenda warrants it.

  • Nursing manager at Patreksfjörður: Hrafnhildur Ólöf Ólafsdóttir
  • Head of the inpatient ward: Árný Magnúsdóttir
  • Operations manager: Magnús Sveinbjörnsson
  • Chief contractor doctor: Jón BG Jónsson
Myndin sýnir skipurit rekstrarstjórnar. Efst er hjúkrunarstjóri og fyrir neðan tengist framkvæmdastjórn. Undir hjúkrunarstjóra eru fjögur box, yfirverktaki lækna, verkefnastjóri heilsugæslu, deildarstjóri legudeildar og rekstrarstjóri.
Operations management at Patreksfjörður

Professional advice

The professional council met in its current form only in December 2020 on the basis of changes to Act 40/2007 on health services. The professional council has established rules of practice which can be seen below.

Representatives in the professional council:

  • Sigríður Lára Gunnlaugsdóttir, chairman, fh other professions
  • Helga Rebekka Stígsdóttir fh paramedics
  • Lilja Sigurðardóttir fh nurses

Security Committee Northern Region

Security Committee for the Northern Region from 1 October 2021 to 1 October 2023.

The safety committee is working of regulation 920/2006 on the organization and implementation of occupational health and safety work at workplaces.

Myndin sýnir tvo dálka. Vinstra megin er öryggistrúnaðarmenn, sem eru fulltrúar starfsmanna. Þar undir eru Amy Melissa Reynisdóttir og Unnur Árnadóttir. Hægra megin eru öryggisverðir sem fulltrúar stofnunar. Þar eru Hildur Elísabet Pétursdóttir og Signý Þöll Kristinsdóttir.

Security Committee Southern Region

The security committee for the southern region is appointed from 1 October 2021 to 1 October 2023.

The safety committee is working of regulation 920/2006 on the organization and implementation of occupational health and safety work at workplaces.

Öryggistrúnaðarmaður, fulltrúi starfsmanna, er vinstra megin, Jóhann Örn Hreiðarsson. Hægra megin eru öryggisverðir, fulltrúar stofnunar. Þar eru Gerður Rán Freysdóttir og Hermann Grétar Jónsson.

Northern Area Contingency Command

Contingency management is defined in the organization's Contingency Plan for the Northern Region.

Reactive control:Substitutes 1Substitutes 2
CEOFinancial managerChief accountant
Lúdvík ÞorgeirssonElísabet SamúelsdóttirHalldóra Þórðardóttir
Medical DirectorHealth care doctorDoctor
Susanna B. ÁstvaldsdóttirKristrún GuðmundsdóttirHealth care doctor on call
Director of NursingHead of the inpatient wardNurse
Hildur Elísabet PétursdóttirRannveig Björnsdóttir / Þórunn PálsdóttirSara Guðmundsdóttir

Southern Area Response Command

The emergency management of the southern area (south of the Dýrafjörður corridor) is defined in the emergency plan for the area. Due to the small number of people working on a day-to-day basis at the facility on Patreksfjörður, the plan assumes that both emergency management and all substitutes are called in the event of a group accident.

Emergency managementSubstitutes 1Substitutes 2Substitutes 3
Lúdvík Þorgeirsson
Director of Nursing
Hildur Elísabet Pétursdóttir
Financial manager
Elísabet Samúelsdóttir
Human Resources Manager
Hanna Hauksdóttir
Nursing manager
Hrafnhildur Ólöf Ólafsdóttir
Head of the inpatient ward
Árný Magnúsdóttir
Nurse on site
Alexandra Bubica
On-site nurse/paramedic
Jóhanna Bjarndís Sævarsdóttir Arapinowich
Doctor on duty at PatreksfjörðurMedical Director
Susanna B. Ástvaldsdóttir
Permanent doctor in ÍsafjörðurVdoctor in charge at Ísafjörður
South Area Operations Manager
Magnus Arnar Sveinbjörnsson
Department secretary
Eva Dögg Þorsteinsdóttir
Óláf Guðrún Þórðardóttir

Committee on Institutional Agreements

The Committee on Institutional Agreements handles all communications in connection with the preparation and conclusion of institutional agreements.

  • Hanna Þóra Hauksdóttir, chairman
  • Elísabet Samúelsdóttir
  • Arna Grétarsdóttir Sulebust
  • Hildur Elísabet Pétursdóttir
Myndin sýnir skipurit með mannauðsstjóra efst. Undir því eru þrjú box; framkvæmdastjóri hjúkrunar, launafulltrúi og fjármálastjóri.

Medicines Committee

The health institution has a working medicine committee that deals with all medicine-related issues at the institution. The committee operates according to its mandate.

Principal representatives

  • Súsanna Ástvaldsdóttir Medical Director, Chair
  • Jónas Þ. Birgisson pharmacist
  • Sólveig Pálsdóttir nurse

Representatives who attend meetings have freedom of speech and the right to make proposals:

  • Jóhanna Hafsteinsdóttir pharmaceutical technician
  • Ramon Flaviá Piera pharmacist
  • Hrafnhildur Ólöf Ólafsdóttir nursing manager Patreksfjörður
Myndin sýnir skipurit með framkvæmdastjóra lækninga sem formann og undir honum lyfjafræðing og fulltrúa framkvæmdastjóra hjúkrunar. Fyrir neðan eru, með tillögu- og málfrelsi (og boðuð á fundi): Hjúkrunarstjóri Patreksfirði, lyfjatæknir og lyfjafræðingur suðursvæði.
Organizational chart of the Medicines Committee

Data Security Committee

The Data Security Committee meets 4-6 times a year. The committee checks that references in History are in accordance with laws, regulations and codes of conduct. Also discusses other issues related to data and medical records. The committee submits meeting minutes to the executive board

The order

  • Director, Chairman
  • Susanna Ástvaldsdóttir
  • Jakob Einar Úlfarsson, Sago's system manager
  • Elín Hólm, Sago's quality manager
Myndin sýnir skipurit með forstjóra efstan. Undir honum eru framkvæmdastjóri lækninga, kerfisstjóri Sögu og gæðastjóri Sögu.

Representatives in committees and councils

Public safety committee of Ísafjarðarbær and Súðavíkur district

  • Súsanna Björg Ástvaldsdóttir main member

Civil Defense Action Board

From 2022:

  • Sigríður Lára Gunnlaugsdóttir main member
  • Margrét Kristjánsdóttir deputy

Civil Defense Committee of West Barðastrandar county

  • Hrafnhildur Ólöf Ólafsdóttir main member

Council of Elders of Ísafjörður town

From September 29, 2020:

  • Heiða Björk Ólafsdóttir main member
  • Hildur Elísabet Pétursdóttir deputy

Vesturbyggð Council of Elders

From October 11, 2023

  • Margrét Brynjólfsdóttir main member
  • Margrét Guðmundsdóttir deputy

Professional Council of the Development Center of Icelandic Health Care

Súsanna Björg Ástvaldsdóttir

Various off-chart roles

Deputy Director: director of nursing

Chief physician of outpatient services: Senior doctor of health care

Chief physician of the inpatient unit at Ísafjörður: Medical Director

District doctor of epidemiology: Senior doctor of health care

Privacy Officer: Elin Holm

Updated 3 July 2024 (HEP)

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