Health care for school children is part of health care and a continuation of care for young and small children. Nurses and doctors at health centers take care of the health of school children.
The goal of school children's health care is to promote the health of students and promote their well-being. The main priorities in the health protection of school children are prevention, education, screenings and vaccinations. The work is done accordingly guidelines of the Office of the National Medical Examiner on the health protection of primary school children.
The school nurses are Helena Hrund Jónsdóttir who is in charge of Primary Schools in Bolungarvík, Súðavík and Ísafjarðarbær and Soffía Hlynsdóttir who is in charge of Patreksskóli, Tálknafjörðurskóli and Bíldudalsskóli. email and
Screenings are carried out in 1st, 4th, 7th and 9th grade and consist of measuring height, weight and visual acuity. Students in other cohorts are screened as needed. During the screenings, the nurse talks to the students about lifestyle and well-being. The aim of these interviews is to strengthen students' awareness of their own lifestyle and well-being. Like being able to take action if discomfort or worry is noticed. The results of the screenings and basic information from the lifestyle interview are recorded in the health care's electronic medical record.
Vaccinations are given in the 7th grade against measles, mumps and rubella, and in the 9th grade against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio. Girls in the 7th grade are also vaccinated against HPV (human papilloma viruses), which can cause cervical cancer. Before vaccination, an email is sent to parents with information about the timing.
Health education
Organized health education is carried out in all cohorts and the focus is on encouraging healthy lifestyles. After the education, parents receive information about what was discussed in an email. Parents then have the opportunity to talk to the children about what they learned and how they can use it in their daily lives.
The focus of the training is as follows:
1st class
My body, a prevention project against sexual violence. The goal is for the children to know that they own their own bodies, the children to know that sexual abuse is always wrong and never their fault, to know that they can say NO (practice it) and to know that they should report if they have an unpleasant experience (never to have a bad secret).
Helmets, in the spring there is education about the importance of helmet use and how the helmet is correctly placed on the head.
2nd grade
Feelings, education about different emotions and how quickly you can travel between different emotions. The goal is for the children to learn to recognize their different emotions and to be able to express themselves about them and their feelings.
3rd grade
The activity book about the 6H of health (loyalty, exercise, rest, hygiene, happiness and courage) it covers, among other things, dental health and tooth brushing, as well as discussing exercise habits, fruit and vegetable consumption and other factors and habits that contribute to good health.
4th grade
Anxiety, education about the symptoms of anxiety and that anxiety can be normal. Remedies for anxiety are reviewed and relaxation exercises are taught.
Accident prevention, around the 112 day on February 11, there is a response to accidents, the children examine their surroundings in terms of accident prevention and know the 112 number, also as the children's number.
5th grade
Communication, the goal is for the children to learn to respect themselves and others, respect other people's opinions and practice putting themselves in other people's shoes. Communication on the internet is also examined and what should be kept in mind there.
6th grade
Puberty, touched on, among other things, body changes, masturbation, sexuality and sexual violence. Resuscitation, students get hands-on training in kneading and blowing.
7th grade
Vaccination, education about the diseases being vaccinated against.
8th grade
peer pressure, the goal is for students to learn to recognize peer pressure. Emphasis is placed on strengthening the identity of the children and that they are aware of whether they are making their own decisions or not. body image, the goal is for students to be aware of what body image is and what affects it? No one is as important to celebrate diversity.
9th grade
sexual health, the goal is to promote improved sexual health. Many aspects are covered, such as what characterizes good relationships - sexuality - feelings - BOUNDARIES - Boundaries in sex - Expectations and boundaries - If the boundaries are crossed - Sexual violence - Sexually transmitted diseases and birth control.
10th grade
sexual health, the goal is to promote improved sexual health. Various aspects are covered such as relationships - love, culture and faith - heartbreak - sexual thoughts - intercourse, when is one ready - intercourse, expectations and boundaries - sexuality - trans - flirting, harassment, boundaries and sexual violence - erotica, porn, art or vulgarity – pornification – stereotypes.
mental health, the goal is to stop prejudices and that students know the symptoms of mental illness and know where they can seek help - also use coping strategies such as relaxation, mindfulness and the connection of thoughts, feelings and behaviour.
Responsibility for your own health, That students know the activities of health care and when they can go there - like how they can monitor their own health, for example by feeling their breasts and testicles.
Accidents and mishaps during school hours
A nurse's role is not to have an open reception for non-urgent matters. A nurse provides first aid when more serious accidents occur in the school and provides support and advice to the school staff when illnesses and accidents occur among students, during the time the nurse is at work. If a minor accident or mishap occurs during school hours, the school staff provides first aid.
If a student needs to go to a health center or emergency department, parents/guardians must accompany the child. It is therefore important that the school has all telephone numbers where parents can be reached during the child's school hours.
Accidents that happen outside of school hours are not expected to be attended to by the school health service. Parents are advised to turn to their family doctor and the Health Center for health issues that are not covered by primary school children's health care.
Medicines in schools
In a recommendation from medical examiner on the provision of medicines in primary schools, it is stated, among other things, that parents/guardians should hand over to nurses the medicines that children/teenagers should receive at school and that children/teenagers should never be messengers with medicine.
Parents/guardians of children/adolescents who need to take medication during school hours are kindly asked to contact the school's nurses to discuss and advise on how best to meet these recommendations.
Sleep and rest
Given the occasion, we would like to point out to parents and guardians of children how important it is that school children get enough sleep and rest. If they are not well-slept and rested, they cannot enjoy the lessons or do the work that takes place at school. They get tired and irritable, can't stand sitting for long periods of time in class, and the learning material goes above and beyond.
A suitable sleep and rest time is considered to be 8-12 hours. and the youngest school children rarely need 12 hours. sleep to achieve complete rest.
Healthy and good food
Good nutrition has a lot to say for the growth and development of children and their ability to cope with the daily grind. Children need three meals a day plus an afternoon snack, and a good breakfast before leaving for school is very important. If they don't eat before they go to school, they become lethargic and lack energy for physical and mental work.
It is also very important that the lunch is healthy and it is considered appropriate to bring, for example, a rough sandwich and fruit or something similar.
Head lice
Given the occasion, we would like to remind people to be vigilant about the louse, as it is not extinct and pops up every year in some of the country's schools, especially in the fall. It is important to act immediately if lice are suspected and to inform the nurse or school staff if lice appear in a class, because then the whole class needs to be inspected.
If everyone is responsible for themselves and theirs, we can prevent unnecessary inconvenience and work.
Updated 10. January 2025 (Björn Snorri)