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This week, screening for Covid-19 will begin among the residents of the northern part of the Vestfjords. Screening will take place in Bolungarvík and on Ísafjörður. This is a joint project of the Icelandic Genetic Analysis and the Vestfjörður Health Institute.

The screening is for asymptomatic individuals and is free. Individuals in quarantine or isolation must stay at home. Those who feel any symptoms should contact 450-2000 to get an appointment for sampling at the health institute.

Screening will take place on Wednesday, April 15, Thursday, April 16 and Friday, April 17.

You can choose between five screening positions:

  • The rescue service building at Hafnargatu in Bolungarvík (by car)
  • Frumherji inspection station at Skeiði on Ísafjörður (by car)
  • The Crossfit station at Sindragata in Ísafjörður (by car)
  • Kampaskemma (I never went south-skemma) at Ásgeirsgatu (by car)
  • Outside by the basement of the hospital in Ísafjörður (on foot).

See arrows on maps to see which direction the houses are coming from. It is preferable to kill the car while waiting.

Healthcare professionals take samples from both the nasopharynx and nasopharynx. The result of the analysis will be published on the helilovvera.is website and everyone who is found to be infected will be called.

You need to book an appointment on the Icelandic genetic analysis website, https://bokun.rannsokn.is/.

It is best to use electronic IDs, but you can also use social security numbers and phone numbers.

The southern part of Vestfjörður will be screened in the coming days or weeks.


Icelandic genetics (deCODE genetics) is screening for COVID-19 in the general population in Iceland.

The objective is to learn about community spread of the virus.
The testing is free of charge. You can register by visiting https://bokun.rannsokn.is/.


Icelandic genetic analysis (deCODE genetics) prowadzi badania na terenie Islandii wykonując testy pod šenku COVID-19.
Celem bedańska jest poznanie w jaki pozęs wirus rozprzestrzenia się w połęczzie.
Testowanie jest free. You can register by visiting the internet site: https://bokun.rannsokn.is/.

Author: GÓ