The Neopuff ventilator for newborns is now in use at the HVEST Maternity Department in Ísafjörður. It is an oxygen mixer and a device that pumps air into the newborn under equal pressure, but with manual control of the amount of air instead of using a breathing balloon. The device is very easy to use and very convenient, when you need to help a newborn with his first breaths.

The device is donated by the Oddfellow lodge no. 6, Visitors to Ísafjörður. More devices that the lodge gives have been coming to houses lately. These include 2 fluid pumps for the Emergency Department, a handy CRP meter for the doctor on duty in the Health Care Department, a tall, electric walker for the Rehabilitation Department, and a chemotherapy chair and table for the Emergency Department are expected. We at HVEST are deeply grateful for this generosity and the affection towards us, which the Oddfellowstukan shows with these gifts.

Author: HH