The delivery room of Fjörður Hospital in Ísafjörður has a magnificent swimming pool, which is used for the purpose of relieving labor pains and other discomforts during childbirth. Has it depended on the women that it has not been possible to listen to the heartbeat of the fetus in the pool water.



The women's accident prevention department in Ísafjörður came and saved that problem, i.e. March 16th and presented the maternity unit with a waterproof doppler of the Huntleigh type, which monitors the fetal heartbeat through the mother's abdominal wall, without her having to get out of the pool every time it is needed. Special thanks are given to the accident prevention department for their goodwill.


On the same occasion, the accident prevention department presented new parents in the maternity ward with safety products for their homes, which are designed to prevent accidents with their child in the future. Will the Women's Accident Prevention Department in Ísafjörður continue to bring such gift packages to new parents?

Author: HH