Landspítal's breast center is having a breast screening in collaboration with the health care in Ísafjörður November 21-24

Landspítala's breast center will, in collaboration with the National Health Service, tour the country in the fall of 2023 with breast screening. There is a strong emphasis on women using this service, see booking instructions below.
- With breast screening it is possible to detect breast cancer at an early stage and thus significantly reduce the death rate due to the disease.
- Emphasis it is recommended that women make use of the service, which is generally available at each location annually or every two years.
- Booking at kankó or by phone 513 6700 at 8:30–12:00 weekdays.
Landspítali's Breast Care Center will, in collaboration with the Health Care Centre, tour the country in the fall of 2023, offering breast cancer screenings. Women are encouraged to take advantage of this service, see information on booking appointments below.
- Breast cancer screenings can detect breast cancer at an early stage and thus significantly reduce the death rate from the disease.
- Women are encouraged to take advantage of the services, which are generally available at each location annually or every two years.
- Book an appointment at kankó or by phone 513 6700 at 8:30–12:00 on weekdays.
Centrum Leczenia Chorób Piersi Szpitala Krajowego we co-operate with poradniami health care management będzie objeżdąło kraj jesienią 2023 roku, wrześć przesiewowe badania raka piersi. Jest bardzo isistne, by kobiety mały ość do tej uslugi i korzystały z niej. Information about making appointments is below.
- Thanks to przesiewowym badaniom piersi pońża zdiagnozować raka piersi w pozczynowym stadium i significantly reduce the number of zgonów z wanzówię tej żorógy.
- Istotne jest, by kobiety wyzyzbały z usług, korye standardowo dościęcie są na miejscu raz w roku lub co dwa lata.
- Umawianie wizit odbywa się pod adresem ankó lub pod numerem telefonu 513 6700 w horitoni 8:30–12:00 w dni roczebe.
Landspítali's Breast Care Center online/ Strona internetowa Centrum Leczenia Chorób Piersi Szpitala Krajowego: