Kristín Björg Albertsdóttir, director of HVEST, is retiring on July 1. She took over from Threst Óskarsson on November 1, 2016 and had previously been the director of the Eastern Health Institute. It is safe to say that her work here has been eventful, very busy and difficult. We at HVEST were fortunate, however, that Kristín is a well-educated professional, extremely hardworking and precise in everything she undertakes. She dealt with many difficult issues that needed to be resolved. The organization was unlucky with hiring financial managers, which meant that Kristín had to do that job for a long time as well, at the same time as a major review of the organization's operations took place. The newly appointed human resources manager also had to leave for family reasons, but the Executive Board had high hopes for the new job. Kristín knows the art of relaxing and calming the mind and hand with the methods taught by yoga and meditation. It must come in handy in today's semester.   


Kristína will be lost sight of, as it is difficult to fill the gap she leaves behind. We thank her from the bottom of our hearts for the cooperation at HVEST and wish her all the best in the future. Kristín has been appointed manager of Sólheimi in Grímsnes and is looking forward to tackling new projects in that good place.

Kristin Björg Albertsdóttir

Author: HH