Treatment of diseases

The exercise leaflet is a treatment for diseases or symptoms of diseases on which it is known that regular exercise can have a significant effect. A team of health workers and/or doctors assess the symptoms and condition of a person, who is then referred to a physical therapist who is based at the clinic in Ísafjörður.

Upon arrival at the physical therapist:

  • Go through a person's health history and symptoms, exercise habits and interests
  • Possibilities and ability to move are discussed and evaluated together
  • Goals are set and an exercise plan prepared, usually for three or six months. The exercise program is based on motivation and ability, together with recommendations on the amount and intensity of the recommended exercise as a treatment for the individual's disease.

Restraint and motivation

The individual registers their movement electronically and a physiotherapist monitors the progress and progress of things, provides support and encouragement through phone calls and e-mails. At the end of the exercise period, the doctor / team receives a report from the physiotherapist, and when the person next comes to the doctor / team, the success of the treatment is evaluated, among other things, based on various health measurements.

Treatment can last up to one year depending on your wishes and is free of charge except for the interview where an entrance fee is paid. Make an appointment with your GP if you think an exercise leaflet could benefit you.

Updated 22 May 2024 (JEU)

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