On March 23rd, the Hospital Fund of the Vestfjörður Union presented a Waldmann PUVA 236T light board to the healthcare department of HV. In the picture are: Anette Hansen, head of department, Örn Ingason, chief physician and Karítas Pálsdóttir, who presented the gift to Verk-Vest.

The light board is a portable light screen with ultraviolet light and is designed to be used in psoriasis treatment on the hands (palms), feet (soles) and face.
The light board is located in the outpatient facility of the health care center in Ísafjörður for the light treatment of skin diseases. There is a beautiful light cabinet that the Baldur á Ísafjörður Trade Union gave to the institution at the time.
Many people take advantage of this outpatient service. With the light board, the facilities for the treatment of local rashes, which do not require a light cabinet, which covers the whole body, are significantly improved.

Author: HH