Recently, complete changes and renovations were completed in two departments of the Vestfjörður Health Institute.

Maternity ward

The entire department was painted, all the furniture was renewed along with the decorations. There is a new delivery bed in the delivery room, along with a new resuscitation table for children.

All procedures have been reviewed and updated, as well as the services have been strengthened, such as regular childbirth education courses, contraceptive advice, health talks, acupuncture and many other things are now offered.

At the Vestfjörður Health Center in Ísafjörður, women are offered continuous midwifery services for pregnancy care, childbirth and childbirth. You can also consult a midwife in connection with breastfeeding from birth and throughout the breastfeeding period. Emphasis is placed on quality and personal service, and the facilities of the maternity unit allow us to offer the togetherness of both parents and baby in the first days after birth.

There are three permanent midwives working at the department.

The following people contributed to the department and we are very grateful to them:

Audit of Vestjarði, Thrymur, Verkalýdýfélag Bolungarvíkur, Verkvest, Oddfellowstúkan Þórey, Kvenfélagið Hvát, Kvenfélagið Von, Kvenfélagið Framsókn and Kvenfélagið Ársól.

Mental health

At the mental health team for adults, everything has been overhauled and renovated, but the team moved all its activities to the third floor of HVest in Ísafjörður, where it used to be a boarding house. The facilities are all the most impressive and it is a great advantage to have all the activities of the team in the same place and to have a waiting room exclusively for the clients of the team.

The mental health team of the Vestfjörður Health Center has been active since April 1, 2020. The team's services are for individuals aged 18 and older who struggle with mental distress and/or are diagnosed with a mental illness and need multidisciplinary assistance and close follow-up.

The team includes a full-time social worker, psychologist, occupational therapist and alcohol and drug addiction counselor, as well as a part-time occupational therapist and doctor.