On Wednesday, May 22, the Vestfjörður Health Institute took part in an exercise for emergency responders in the NW Vestfjörður in the event of a group accident.

The successful exercise was held in Önundarfjörður and consisted of the transport of emergency personnel to the scene, work on the scene and the transport of the injured from the scene to the hospital in Ísafjörður and also to Ísafjörður airport.

Many people came to the exercise, including the Public Safety Department of the National Police, the Aviation Department of the Icelandic Coast Guard, the Vestfjörður Health Institute, rescue teams, the fire brigade, the police and others. A coordination center in Skógarhlíð in Rvk was also activated.

It was simulated after a group accident where a group bus with a dozen passengers collided and it had to be dealt with appropriately. We are dealing with challenging conditions and, among other things, dealing with "injured" people in Breiðadals and Botnheiðarnæð.

The purpose of the exercise was to coordinate the response and work of the response parties as well as the health workers and the Road Administration. A contingency plan is activated and all work processes are reviewed.