Icelandic below
All travelers coming from abroad need to undergo a second COVID-screening 4-6 days after arriving in Iceland. It is possible to undergo this screening in Ísafjörður.
The screening takes place on weekdays at 10:00.
Book in advance by calling 450-4500, either the day before or the same morning (we start answering the phone at 08:00). You can also send us a line on the chat in the bottom-right corner of
Screening happens outside by the basement (see map and picture). You can arrive both by foot and by car.
The screening is free of charge.
Please, don't enter the hospital itself. The patients and hospital staff need to be kept safe.
Regarding Patreksfjörður: Currently, we cannot offer this screening test in Patreksfjörður. However, if you have already gone through second screening, and you have any reason to think you might have Covid, call us and we will set up a screening test. This can be either because you feel symptoms associated with the disease or someone you have been in contact with has tested positive.
See for further information.

Second border screening

Everyone who comes from abroad must now go through two border screenings, the second one 4-6 days after arrival in the country. Among other things, this screening is carried out on Ísafjörður. 
The screening takes place on weekdays at 10:00 am. 
Book in advance by calling 450-4500 or by using the online chat in the right corner of our website. 
The screening takes place outdoors in the basement of the hospital (see photos). You can arrive on foot or by car. The screening is free. 
Do not enter the hospital. Together, we need to reduce all possible risks of infection inside the institution. 
So far, it is not possible to offer the border screening at Patreksfjörður. However, general sampling is available. This means that if you have completed the second screening and have the slightest suspicion that you have the virus, for example due to symptoms or that someone you have been in contact with has been diagnosed, you should get in touch so you can get a sample taken as soon as possible. 

Author: GÓ