Ríkiskaup now has for sale the property Aðalstræti 37 in Þingeyri. The building was previously used as a medical residence, but has been rented out in recent years.

It is a residential building on 2 floors with a built-in garage. On the lower floor of the building there is a separate apartment, the size of the building is estimated to be 180.8m2 according to Real estate register together with the corresponding leasehold rights. The house was built of concrete in 1978. The fire compensation assessment is ISK 35,100,000, and the real estate assessment is ISK. NOK 6,305,000. Government procurement, Borgartúni 7, 105 Reykjavík, phone 530 1400

Bid forms are available in the same place, along with the rules for completing and filling in the bid form.

Offers must be received Government procurement, Borgartúni 7, Reykjavík by 10.00 on March 10, 2009 where they will be opened in the presence of bidders, it is requested.

Send an inquiry: utbod@rikiskaup.is