Monthly Archives: December 2005

Fundraising for CT equipment to end

During the autumn days, a group of enthusiasts started a collection for CT equipment for the Fjörðungssykrahún in Ísafjörður. The collection has been very successful and many people have shown interest in the matter. At a press conference held in the institution's dining hall [...] More ›

2005-12-22T00:00:00+00:00December 22, 2005|From an older site|

Notice from the epidemiologist

Sóttvarnalæknir hefur mælst til þess að allir einstaklingar fæddir á árunum 1981 til 1985 verði bólusettir gegn hettusótt.Í Farsóttafréttum sóttvarnalæknis kemur fram að 73 einstaklingar hafa fengið staðfesta hettusótt á tímabilinu More ›

2005-12-12T00:00:00+00:00December 12, 2005|From an older site|